Dermaroller treatment

Dermaroller treatment is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation technique designed to improve the appearance of various skin scars and wrinkles. This treatment uses a simple plastic roller device – with many tiny needles -which is rolled on the suface of the skin. We use topical local anesthetic cream during the process to minimize discomfort. The microneedling activates your body’s wound healing mechanism and promotes new collagen  production (collagen induction therapy or CIT). Skin fiber will become stronger and more elastic; it also improves the elasticity of the collagen matrix.

Following 3-6 treatments skin becomes firmer, large pores appear smaller, wrinkles, scars smoothen out.

Areas of treatment:

  • pigmentation marks
  • sun damaged skin
  • tired, aging skin
  • large pores, oily skin
  • scars, acne scars
  • stria (stretch marks)
  • deep wrinkles

During treatment you may look and feel as though you have sunburn which should disappear after about 2-3 days. In the weeks following treatment you should avoid intensive sunlight exposure, sunbathing and solarium. To keep up optimum results we recommend repeating the treatment once a year.