Wrinkle filling

With the advancement of age our skin changes – due to less collagen and elastin in our skin  less hyeluronic acid is produced. Our skin becomes drier and loses its elasticity.
During the wrinkle filling treatment hyeluronic acid is injected under the existing wrinkles through very fine needles. This way we can also boost the lost volume of facial tissue (facelifting). As a result the face will look more vivid. The minor facial lines will smoothen, the deeper lines will look less pronounced.

Hyeluronic acid injection treatment is a non-surgical procedure which focuses on the following areas:

  • smoothening the nasolabial folds („smile lines”)
  • removing glabellar lines (wrinkles between eyebrows)
  • reducing lines around eyes and mouth
  • toning down the wrinkles on corner of mouth, chin and lower jaw
  • lip augmentation, reshaping
  • midface lift
  • eyebrow lift
  • acne scars treatment
  • skin tone improvement (around eyes, neck, décollté, hands)


Depending on quality of skin and depth of wrinkles we use materials of various consistency.  Thanks to personalized treatment we can reach natural appearance using natural materials.  After some time (6-12 months) the hyeluronic acid gets absorbed, the treatment can be repeated.